We Bring You High-Ticket Clients

With A Scalable Low-Ticket Offer

100% Done For You

We Bring You High-Ticket Clients With A Scalable Low-Ticket Offer

100% Done For You

From low-ticket offer creation, funnel building, copywriting, upsell strategy, client ascension, workflow automations, emails nurturing... to scaling with ads. We take care of everything for you.


We got you covered from a to z

A Full-Blown Acquisition System

  • Funnel Architecture: We will architect, build and design your high-converting low-ticket funnel from start to finish. From sales page, upsells... all the way to your thank you page.

  • Powerful Copywriting: We will write ALL the copy from the sales pages, the ads and the VSLs to place your offer as the best and undisputed solution in the market in the eyes of the buyers.

  • Low-Ticket Offer Creation: We will create a winning low-ticket to place you as an authority in your market and turn customers into clients for your core high-ticket offer.

  • Client Ascension: We will install our client ascension systems to turn more low-ticket buyers into high-ticket clients with powerful email sequences, value posts and much more.

  • Upsell Path Strategy: We will create your order bumps and one-time upsell offers to maximize your AOV (average order value) and reach your funnel full value.

  • Facebook Advertising: We will create, launch, manage and scale your low-ticket offer Facebook™ ads generating sales and front-end profits every single day.

  • Tech Setup: From fast-loading speed with Cloudflare to Email setup with Google best practices (DMARC, DKIM, SPF...), we make sure all the tech is in place to deliver your offer to the market in the most optimal way.

  • Workflow Automation: We will build your funnel workflows to automate the customer journey. From retargeting non buyers for your low-ticket, upsells... everything automated for you.

  • Product Creation: We will assist you with turning your low-ticket, bonuses, order bumps and upsell offers into great products fast that your customers will love and use.

  • Email Marketing: We will write and manage your email marketing to manage your list of low-ticket customers and turn them into high-ticket clients fast.

Easier, Faster And Better Acquisition

Before And After Using Our Acquisition System

No more...

  • Cold outreach into strangers DMs

  • Slow sales cycles

  • Unpredictable returns

  • Non-stop organic content creation

  • Hour-long objection-filled sales calls

  • Limited outreach and scale


  • Automated customer acquisition

  • Fast sales cycles

  • Data-driven and predictable returns

  • Inbound client ascension

  • Short sales calls with pre-sold clients

  • Unlimited reach and scale

As Long As You Have A High-Ticker Offer

This Works For Anybody






course sellers







our LAtest projects

Powerful Low-Ticket Offers

Back Pain Management (Health)

This is a back pain management offers to help people remove their back pain so they can be free to do the activities they love doing and move forward in life.

Options Trading (Finance)

This is an offer in options trading aiming to help people get 30% - 40% returns annually to grow their trading account and have control over their financial future.

Stress Management (Health)

This is a stress management dry-test offer to help people remove stress triggers so they can be at peace with themselves and achieve their goals.

Apply For Your Strategy Call

Don't worry this is not a BS call where I'll pitch you our services. This is to see where you are and giving a personal roadmap to scale your business. And if you are interested in working together and we are a good fit, we'll see how it goes!



"Gotta vouch for
Theo Gilardo, he's the real deal, does great work... The Mbappe of offers"

- Alex Mise

"Theo Gilardo
is a beast!Don’t sleep on this, folks."

- Umar Khokhar

"Solid offers! Don't sleep on this."

- Jean-Michel Chow


Meet Theo Gilardo

I am the Founder and CEO of DigiPull Media. I am part of the best mastermind in Direct Response marketing and work with the best marketers in the game.

In the past, I was a Frontend Developer and built with my team the MVP of a tech company that raised over $6M.

I have a broad skillsets and build and launched several offers with low-ticket offers across many spaces (finance, back pain management, stress management...).

Here is what I can help you with:

  • Map Your Whole Funnel Architecture From A to Z

  • Create Your Low-Ticket Offer

  • Take Care Of All The Tech For You

  • Launch And Scale Your Low-Ticket Offer With Ads

  • Flood You With High-Ticket Buyers

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